Feromons-4 Mukhallat Natural Perfume 3ml

Feromons-4 Mukhallat Natural Perfume 3ml

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... HIPnotizēšana un samazināšana

Galīgais afrodiziaks ... Feromons-4 ... oriģināls burvju aromāts, ko piedāvā tikai Sharif Laroche kolekcija Agarscents Bazaar.

Trīs reti Muskuļu dārgakmeņi, kas pārsteidzoši sastāv no okeāna muskusa Ambergris ... labākais no dzīvnieku valsts uz zemes un ūdenī. Slavenie četri fiksatori - aromātiskas dārgumi no dabiskām amorous piezīmēm - Beaver (Castoreum), Civet, Deer Musk un Ambergris - patiešām ir hipnotizējoši, intensīvi un vilinoši ...

Izmēģiniet mūsu feromonu-4 un apvelkamies jutekliskā prieka atmosfērā, ar enohantmēm un intrigu feromoniskām piezīmēm ... un jāapzinās laba uzmanība, kas galu galā var sekot.

The word pheromone is derived from the Greek phero, which means "to transport” and hormone meaning "to stimulate”. Pheromones are chemicals that are secreted or excreted by an individual and can trigger certain behavioural or social responses in members of the same species. Alarm pheromones, food trail pheromones and sex pheromones affect behaviour among many insects, vertebrates and plants, acting like chemical messengers between individuals. The chemical, neurological and physiological responses by the recipients are natural innate reactions to these chemical signals. Sex pheromones emitted by males and females tell other individuals about their species, well-being, reproductive ability, availability, and desire. Certain substances, compounds, and stimulants increase the level of sex hormones; aphrodisiacs of this type can be found in plants, herbs and animal substances - pure musk and true ambergris have been found to have aphrodisiac qualities, "pheromonal" activity, triggering physiological and behavioral responses by their natural odour.

The Civet is a small sized, slender omnivorous solitary mammal which is native to tropical (southeast) Asia and Africa. Out of the dozen species of civet, the African (Palm) Civet (Civettictis civetta) is the most known, as this is the main species the civet musk used within perfumery comes from. The African Civet is uniquely recognized with black and white stripes and blotches, large hind quarters and an erectile dorsal crest. Names used for the Civet are "toddy cat" in English and "musang" in Malay, though referring to the African Civet as 'civet cat' is misleading, as this animal is not a feline, in fact, related to weasels and mongooses.

The Musk Deer refers to one of the seven species that belong to the Moschus Moschidae, a smaller primitive deer compared to the cervid, or true deer. This type of deer is found in the Himalayas; Nepal, India, Tibet, China, Siberia and Mongolia. Moschids have longer hind legs than front legs and lack antlers, but the male deer possesses tusk-like teeth and a musk gland. The substance with a pungent, penetrating odour produced by the musk gland "pod” of the Moschid is the actual pure Deer Musk.

Castoreum is referred to as the yellowish secretion from the castor sac (scent gland) of the North American Beaver (Castor Canadensis) or the European Beaver (Castor Fiber) - two different types with different scents and appearance. This castoreum secretion helps the beavers keep their fur shiny and water repellent. Both male and female beavers use the pheromone-laced castoreum mixed with urine to mark their territory. This secretion is known for its use in perfumery, medicinal use and as a food additive.


Ambris (Ambre Gris, Pelēkais Dzintars, Ambergrease, Ambra grisea) ir zarnu cieta un uzliesmojoša sekrēta, ko ražo vīriešu spermas valis. Milzu kalmārs, kas ir iecienīts spermas vaļu diēta, satur nesagremojamas knābes, kas kairina kuņģa vainagu, tādējādi izdalot vaska vielu, kas aizsargā vaļu gremošanas sistēmu un atvieglo vieglu šo cieto priekšmetu izlaišanu. Faktiski, kad šī lipīga masa tiek izmesta no spermas vaļu, tā nav tik vemšana, kas ir kopējā nepareizā izpratne, bet gan atkritumi. Ambergris pludiņš ir dažādās formās un izmēros, un tas var būt tik mazs kā 1 / 2oz (14g) vai lielāks par 100lb (45kg). Fresh Ambergris var atrast divos dažādos veidos: melnā, lipīgā mīkstā un darvas formā, vai arī bāli balti, mīksti gabaliņi ar melniem svītrām. Šis ambras priekšgājējs ir stiprs fekāliju smarža, vistuvāk salīdzināšanai būtu aromātisks govs mēslojums. Pēc pārgājiena okeānā dažreiz desmitiem gadu asā smaka ievērojami mainās un izārstē, kļūstot zemi, salda, jūras aļģu-jūras ūdens (jūras), piemēram, kas atgādina tabaku vai dusmīgu veco koku; dzīvnieku muskuss ar savdabīgu smaržu, kas ir unikāla ambrāzei. Atkarībā no ambra šķiedra smaržās var būt lieliskas variācijas.


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